What are clans?

A Scottish clan (from Gaelic clann, "children") is a kinship group among the Scottish people. Clans give a sense of shared identity and descent to members. The clan names followed with the leaders who ruled the lands, ranging from early Pictish and Gaelic names, to pioneering settlers from France, Norway, and England who made their home in Scotland.

Some of the more powerful clans held large swaths of lands while others controlled smaller territories. This visualization compares the clan's occupied lands to the modern day districts of Scotland.

How to use

Zoom, pan around the map to get a better view. By default the clans are presented in alphabetical order but can also be sorted by number of occupied lands. Click on a district to see that district's clans. Hover over a clan to see a tooltip of the clan's information. Click that clan to see more information.


Detailed Information from HouseofNames.com
Clans from ScottishClans.com
Search by Typeahead


  • scotland_geo.html
  • clans6.js
  • Map_scotland.json
  • main.js
  • Tartans (tartan pictures folder)
  • style.css
  • typeahead.bundle.js
  • sources.txt

Created by:

Michael Simpson
Instructor: Suresh Lodha
CMPS 165: Data programming for Visualization
Fall 2016